If you love Rat Terriers, then JOIN US for a fun April weekend in Sweetwater, Tennessee!
Bring your canopy and camp chairs–and of course, your Ratties–and join the fun as folks from all over the country converge on the huge, completely fenced Jamboree field at the Sweetwater KOA for two JAM-packed days of games, competitions, and demonstrations. Besides the traditional favorites like Terrier Racing, Jamboree King and Queen Contest, Friday’s Cookout, Rattie Costume Contest, and Auction, there are new activities planned this year. For the latest updates, follow our Jamboree event page on Facebook and the New Rattitude Facebook page.

The price of admission is the tax-deductible donation of an item for our New Rattitude Jam fundraising events such as the Friday night auction or Saturday’s fundraising activities. Items should be new or handcrafted, and can be for either dogs or people.

For the use of the KOA campground amenities, Jam field, and parking, all adults and children age 6 or older must purchase a Jam Pass wristband for $3, which is good for both days. Please be sure to check in at the Jam registration tent when you first arrive to obtain your wristband, turn in your donated item, enter your dog(s) in the competitive events, and pick up your name tags, Jam program, and give-aways.
The cookout and covered dish supper on Friday night is on us! Burgers and hotdogs, chips, and drinks provided at no charge.
Venue and Lodging

The Jamboree is held at the Sweetwater KOA Campground, just off I-75 at exit 62 between Knoxville and Chattanooga in the little town of Sweetwater, Tennessee. The Jam field features a large, grassy, fenced area with ample room for attendee canopies to be set up around the central activity area for the events and rattie play.
For lodging, we highly recommend the Sweetwater KOA for those with RVs. They also offer tent camping and have a limited number of cabin rentals. The KOA offers a discount for Jam attendees. There are also several motels in the area that are dog-friendly and convenient to the Jamboree. Popular with past Jam attendees are the Quality Inn West and Days Inn in Sweetwater, and the La Quinta in nearby Loudon, TN.
Vendor Information

3/25/2025: Our 2025 Jamboree vendor spots are now full. Please register early next year to join us!
Vendors are welcome at Jamboree! There is no charge to set up, but the regular Jam admission applies. Space must be reserved by April 1st. Bring your own canopy, tables, etc. The Jam is an outdoor venue with no electric power available. Click here to reserve a space.