Our Sick and Injured Dogs

Some of the dogs we rescue have severe illnesses or other serious medical issues that are much more costly than the money brought in by adoption fees. To help nurse these dogs through their medical needs so that they can eventually become healthy and adoptable, we must find sponsors to help with the costs. Please read their stories and consider becoming an angel that these Rat Terriers so desperately need. Canine Clinic Donors are listed on our Donor Recognition Board with donations of $50 or greater denoted by our clinic icon. Also, please pay a visit to our Heartworm Info web page to learn about Ratties needing Heartworm Treatment. 

NOTE: In the event that donation amounts are raised in excess of the required vetting for any particular clinic dog, the overage will be used to assist other current or future New Rattitude clinic dogs. All clinic funds stay within the clinic specifically for dogs with special financial health needs.

Sweetie – Blocked Salivary Gland

Our “Sweetie” can’t catch a break. Last winter she was left in a vacated home. A concerned neighbor found her alone and without food and water for an unknown length of time. New Rattitude was contacted and swooped in for the rescue. Sweetie had possibly recently had a litter of puppies. She had mastitis, is heartworm positive, and had high liver enzymes. Her time in foster care has been a constant series of vet visits, procedures, and tests. Now Sweetie has a Salivary Mucocele, a swelling caused by saliva leaking from a damaged salivary gland. She has a lump under her tongue that is affecting her breathing at night, causing loud snoring. The only satisfactory treatment for a Salivary Mucocele is removal of the impacted salivary gland.

Sweetie had surgery on December 18th. The cost for this procedure was $4,063. New Rattitude has already spent nearly $5,000 in our quest to diagnose and treat Sweetie’s various ailments and this surgery is another big hit to our rescue budget. We would be thankful for any financial assistance to help us cover this unexpected but necessary surgery. You can contribute by clicking the “Donate” button below.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$4,063Raised $2,885 towards the $4,063 target.$2,885Raised $2,885 towards the $4,063 target.71%

If you prefer to send a check, mail it to New Rattitude, PO Box 91, DeWitt, MI 48820. Please be sure to write “Sponsor Sweetie” in the note field of your check.

Last updated: 3/19/25